Contact us 0161-820-3935

Business Data

If you are seeking Business to Business data specified to a criteria to meet your individual needs, you have come to the right place.

Diamond Data Solutions have one of the largest and most up-to-date business database, with approximately 3.2 Million UK business records, covering all business sectors within the UK.

When buying data, you need to be sure that the data is fresh and compliant, TPS and CTPS (Corporate Telephone Preference Service) screened and that the data is regularly refreshed and updated. Our whole database is updated every 6-12 months via telephone research which raises the industry standard considerably. As well as having our own data call centre team, our data is also matched against other valuable and reliable sources such as Companies House, Royal Mail PAF File, Telephone Directory file as well as other publicly available resources.

With a 97% accuracy guarantee on mail and telephone data, Diamond Data Solutions can offer you one of the highest accuracy guarantee rates in the industry.

We have over 40 variables of how you can profile your data down including:

  • Senior Decision Maker
  • Industry
  • Turnover
  • Number of Employees
  • Area
  • And many more

At Diamond Data Solutions we understand that what works well for one company does not necessarily work well for another, so all of our clients are appointed a dedicated account manager that will see your campaign from start to finish.

For more information about this service, please contact one of our highly experienced business development managers on
0161-820-3935 or let them contact you. Live chat

Business Data


Consumer Data


Loan Data


Finance Data


Postal Data


E-mail Data


Renewal Data


Mobility Data


Sky Data


Ex-HotKeys Data


Home Movers Data

Home Movers

Green Deal Data

Green Deal

International / Expat Data


Gambling Data


Utility Switching

Utility Switching